Product Description
IBM 5679 SAS RAID Enablement
- Internal controller for 8203s
- 175MB Cache
IBM 5679 SAS RAID Enablement feature provides the internal SAS enclosure with 0, 5, 6 and 10 RAID function and Auxiliary cache via backplane pluggable daughter cards. The daughter cards contain the RAID function and a 175MByte of Write Cache. The Auxiliary daughter card plugs into a special slot on the planar and provides battery power pack and redundant 175MByte write cache memory for the daughter card. Concurrent maintenance of the RAID daughter card and the Auxiliary daughter card is not supported; however, concurrent maintenance of the battery pack is supported. A SAS DASD/Media Backplane with an external SAS port in combination with feature number 5679 provides one external RAID enabled SAS port.